Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Recover From Burnout at Work - The Muse

How to Recover From Burnout at Work - The MuseHow to Recover From Burnout at Work Whether its because of an ongoing (and difficult) client, an increased workload, or just simply monotony, we all go through periods of burnout-syndrom at work from time to time. But the question is, how do you get out of a funk and bounce back before it really affects your job and overall happiness?If youre looking for some renewed motivation, these sources will totally be able to help.Never really thought about burnout before? This master post on what burnout is will give you an introduction. (Lifehacker)An important rule to remember Not all burnout is created equal. By understanding the three major types, you can figure out how to tackle your specific case. (99U)Treating burnout with a quick vacation or day of laziness wont make it go away its all about pacing yourself. (The New York Times)A lot of burnout comes from employees doing the same thing day in and day out. To get out of this rut, try learni ng something new. (Forbes)At work, dont be afraid to ask for a change in responsibilities. Limit the amount of things you cant stand doing, take on other projects, and see what tasks you can swap out with other employees. (The Simple Dollar)Switching up your whole routine in general (including the people you talk to and the activities you do after work) can really help you overcome feelings of exhaustion and emotional distress. (Psychology Today)Feeling burnt out also may be a sign of a larger issue Youre not doing what you love regularly. (Kent Nguyen)If you need some inspiration, take a look at how the most successful people avoid exhaustion. (Fast Company)Learn how to minimize the amount of time youre working on things you dont enjoy whatsoever. (The Daily Muse)Photo of candles courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

17 Companies Hiring for Work From Home Jobs Now

17 Companies Hiring for Work From Home Jobs Now17 Companies Hiring for Work From Home Jobs Now Whether youve got an Airbnb overseas for the summer or you love working from the comfort of your couch, nows your chance to start a job that will let you work from anywhere. These 17 companies - from Apple to Zapier - wont constrict you to the 9-to-5 cubicle life, but will instead allow you to produce wherever you want. Plus, they have team activities, conferences, meetings and all the latest technology so youll feel connected to your colleagues and your boss.Break out of the conference room to work anywhere at any of these cool companies offering remote jobs .Forward Remote Jobs Care Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner What Employees Say Forward is on course to truly change health care for the better, quickly. I work with many of the smartest, most motivated, most effective people Ive come across, and Im learning an incredible amount and cherishing the experience. - Cur rent EmployeeReSource Pro Remote Jobs Client Executive, ausverkauf Executive What Employees Say Extremely involved executives/upper-management. Dont be surprised if you have a lot of 11 time with the CEO, COO and various VPs. - Current EmployeeZapier Remote Jobs Customer Champion, VP of Engineering, Product Engineer What Employees Say By being able to hire from around the world, it means that everyone on the team is excellent at their job. With the focus on remote-first work, were able to mitigate many of the potential risks. - Current Remote Jobs Full Stack Software Engineer, Real Voter Voices Full Stack Software Engineer, Finance Manager What Employees Say A workplace culture that emphasizes self-care and fully respects work/life balance. Remote working is nailed down with technology needs. - Former EmployeeInVisionApp Remote Jobs Director of Strategic Sales, VP of Brand & Content, Product absatzwirtschaft Manager, Business Development Represent ative, Senior Manager of Design Education, Editorial Director, Sales Compensation Analyst, Strategic Account Executive, Managing Editor of the InVision Blog, Recruiter, Content Project Manager & more What Employees Say Challenging, exciting work on an industry-defining product. Very good engineering tools and deployment processes. Working remote is the best perk. Strong work/life balance management is understanding of day-to-day family time and family leave. - Current Remote Jobs Senior SEO Strategist, Partnership Operations and Procurement Manager, VP of Product, Senior UX/UI Designer, Content Marketing and PR Manager, Lead Software Engineer & more. What Employees Say Its a small and very dynamic company, with smart people that are all working towards the same goal customer satisfaction. Decisions are always data-driven (A/B testing, cost/ROI estimates on all projects), which greatly reduces the risks of politics. There is no micro-management and processes are built to be as lightweight as possible.- Current EmployeeAha Remote Jobs Sr. Digital Marketing Manager, Senior Writer, Customer Success Sr. Manager, Knowledge Base Manager, Senior Corporate Counsel, Social Media Marketing Manager & more. What Employees Say Aha is a team of highly talented and self-motivated people who are full of care and compassion for each other as well. Despite being an entirely remote company, the company is able to achieve more than most companies could of a similar size. - Current EmployeeApple Remote Jobs AppleCare at Home Team Manager, AppleCare College Program, AppleCare At Home Advisor What Employees Say Awesome job. Get to work from home. Get all the perks in Apple discounts. Opportunities to work in store rotations. Competitive pay and great insurance. - Current Remote Jobs Site Reliability Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Senior Growth Marketer, Customer Support Specialist & more What Employees Say Good communicat ion, no b.s., supportive teammates, and lots of appetite for getting stuff done. The company retreats are excellent- work focused, social, but realistic about the fact that its a company and everyone is there for a reason. - Current EmployeeGainsight Remote Jobs Partner Outcomes Manager (Private Equity), Customer Success Manager, Senior Solutions Architect, Solutions Engineer What Employees Say The company has its foot on the accelerator, which promotes both individual and company-wide growth. Its been great to see how happy people are and how much everyone values their work. - Current EmployeeAlliance Advisors Remote Jobs Remote Call Center Rep, Virtual Call Center Rep What Employees Say Great Shifts to pick from. Pay is $14.00 and not 1099. Direct Deposit. Scripts easy. Love my supervisor.- Current EmployeeNotarize Remote Jobs Notary Operations Specialist (Part-time & Fill-Time) What Employees Say Great culture without the overly excessive rah-rah cheerleading you f ind at some other over-hyped tech startups. Just overall nice, smart people who work together on a common goal. - Current EmployeeAutomattic Remote Jobs Events Wrangler, Code Wrangler, Data Engineer, Happiness Engineer, menschenfreundlich Resources Wrangler, Excellence Wrangler, Director of Support Operations, Javascript Engineer, Legal Operations Wrangler & more. What Employees Say Leadership is very supportive of continued professional growth. There are plenty of opportunities to pursue learning through conferences, online courses, and/or books. - Current EmployeeHotelTonight Remote Jobs Customer Escalations Representative, Bilingual Customer Escalations Representative What Employees Say Working from home, great pay, excellent benefits, awesome team, amazing co-workers, fast-paced, overtime opportunities, excellent support from shift supervisors, team leads listen and take feedback thats given and take action on issues. - Current EmployeeL.L.Bean Remote Jobs Home Agen t, Home Agent-Call Center Rep, Customer Service Home Agent What Employees Say Company is definitely health conscious. Job coaches and supervisors that care AND take care of employees. Company gladly accommodates physical or medical needs. Excellent benefits even for part-time staff. - Current EmployeePartnerCentric Remote Jobs Marketing Analyst, Internal Support Specialist, Account Manager What Employees Say A really wonderful, inclusive, and challenging culture. The team is overwhelmingly great to work with, and it raises the bar on everyones work. And above all, the team delivers an impressive quality of work to the clients. I couldnt be happier here. - Current EmployeeIntuit Remote Jobs Tax Expert, Seasonal Tax Expert, Bilingual Spanish Tax Expert What Employees Say Great benefits, flexible working environment, great products to work on. - Current Employee

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Become an Army Drill Sergeant

How to Become an Army Drill SergeantHow to Become an Army Drill SergeantDrill sergeants are part of Army lore the tough-talking, stern taskmasters who turn recruits into soldiers. They rule boot camp with an iron fist and push new recruits to their limits. So it makes sense that training to be a strenge ausbildung sergeant is a rigorous process. Drill sergeant candidates, who are the top performers in their squads, are sent to Drill Sergeant Academy, where they go through basic combat training (boot camp) to re-learn every aspect of the training regimen. The Army exerzieren sergeant (formally known as a drill instructor, or DI) adheres to the following creed I am a Drill SergeantI will assist each individual in their efforts to become a highly motivated, well disciplined, physically and mentally fit Soldier, capable of defeating any enemy on todays modern battlefield.I will instill pride in all I train, pride in self, in the Army, and in country.I will insist that each Soldier meets and maintains the Armys standards of military bearing and courtesy, consistent with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.I will lead by example, never requiring a Soldier to attempt any task I would not do myself.But first, last, and always, I am an American Soldier, sworn to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.I am a Drill Sergeant. Training to Be an Army Drill Sergeant Earning the drill sergeant hat begins with learning basic combat backward and forward. Because of the immense amount of responsibility being handed over to new drill sergeants, candidates must undergo extensive background checks as part of the drill sergeant qualification process. The typical day for a drill sergeant candidate begins with physical training, followed by a full day of academic training. Every topic is specifically targeted to the basic training environment. Classes consist of basic rifle marksmanship, drill and ceremony, unarmed combat tra ining and a variety of other basic military skills training. The schools overall goal is to train each candidate to become the trainer, be able to clearly and concisely relay what hes learned to soldiers. Army Drill Sergeants As Mentors Drill sergeant candidates also receive stress-management and personal relationship classes to help them in their future roles as beraters. These classes help students understand that eachnew recruit comesfrom a different background and some have no military experience. The confidence to be a drill sergeant and a mentor to other soldiers has always been held in high regard, and many seek the position as a stepping stone in theirmilitary careers. Others choose the road to drill sergeant school to have their own personal effect on tomorrows soldiers. Qualifying As an Army Drill Sergeant Applicants must first take and successfully graduate from the basic non-commissioned officers (NCO) course and have a minimum of four years of continuous active service.Youll need to meet the height and weight criteria, and be able to passtheArmy Physical Fitness Test. And all recruits for drill sergeant school have to be qualified with theM-16A2within six months of submitting the application for drill sergeant school. In addition, drill sergeant candidates need a score of 100 on the general technical (GT) segment of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests and hold the rank of staff sergeant or sergeant first class.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Handle a Job Demotion

How to Handle a Job DemotionHow to Handle a Job DemotionJobs can be downgraded for many reasons. For example, employees can be demoted in order to eliminate duplication after a merger, to reorganize or streamline an organization or for poor job performance. In all cases, there is a sense of loss and a threat to self-esteem. Get Support Being demoted is painful - you can feel rejected, unwanted and unappreciated. You may need to landseek support from friends, family and/or counselors outside the workplace, in order to share and address your feelings. As with any loss, it will take some time to work through these emotions before initiating a strategy to move on with your career. Should You Look for Another Job? You may need to decide whether to stay with your current employer or find another job. It can be a good idea not to make a hasty decision. You dont have anything to lose by taking the time to see if the new job will work out or if you need to move on. In either case, it will be critical to establish a record of strong performance in your new role. Dedicate the time and energy necessary to master the new job, work on rebuilding your relationship with your manager, if necessary, and develop a positive rapport with any new supervisors. If you plan to stay on with your current employer, you will need to demonstrate your commitment and alleviate any concerns that your supervisors may have about your attitude. If you decide to seek outside employment, you will be in a better position to receive a positive recommendation from your new supervisors if your performance is above average and you handle the demotion gracefully. When You Decide to Move On Heres what to do if you decide that staying isnt going to work out, and you need to find another job Dont quit. Dont just resign from your job. If you do, you may not be eligible for unemployment. Heres information on eligibility for unemployment when you quit. Its easier to find a job when you have a job, so keep that in mind as well. Strategically plan your departure, so its on your terms. Be careful. Keep your job search confidential and dont mention that youre job searching to anyone at work, especially your boss. You dont want to end up getting fired because of your job hunting activities. Initiate networking activities with professionals in your field through professional organizations. Attend meetings and conferences, and volunteer for committees to raise your profile. Heres how to use career networking to help with your job search. Reach out to friends, neighbors and family to ask for referrals to professionals in your field for informational consultations. Be prepared to explain your demotion. You may opt to explain your position change in your resume or titelbild letter, but youre not required to. You dont want to knock yourself out of contention for a job because you shared too much information. Create or enhance your LinkedIn profile, join LinkedIn groups for your career f ield and college and reach out to contacts for informational interviews. Be careful about what your manager and colleagues can see that youre doing on LinkedIn. Update your resume, work on some cover letters for target jobs and have your documents critiqued. If youre a college graduate, tap the resources, services and job listings offered by your alma mater. Otherwise, check out how to find free or low-cost job search help. Attend social and professional networking events and job fairs. Have an elevator pitch ready to share with networking contacts and recruiters. Consider having a business card printed with your contact information. Plan Your Transition Do keep in mind that laying the groundwork for your transition to a new job will likely take some time. Patience will be critical so that you dont tip your hand prematurely, and create concerns with your current employer. How to Explain a Demotion in a Job Interview You should be prepared for your potential employer to ask a bout the demotion during your interview. While this doesnt have to be a deal breaker for the position, you should try to frame that transition in the least damaging way possible. Remember that your interview is your opportunity tohighlight your strengths. While you will need to address the demotion when you are asked about it, there is no reason to dwell on it. Do your research on the company and the position, and be prepared to discuss yourrelevant skillsand experiences. You are there to present yourself as the best possible candidate for the job, and while you should have a plausible, truthful answer to this tough question prepared, there is no reason to elaborate any further than necessary. The Best Way to Answer Interview Questions About a Demotion If your demotion welches in the past and you have now moved on to a higher level job, you can emphasize what you have learned and accomplished since the demotion, and how it qualifies you for a higher level job. Perhaps youidentif ied a weaknessand took steps like courses or workshops to strengthen that area. Your task will be more challenging if you are currently in a job which represents a step-down. You should emphasize the skills you have applied and the positive results which you have generated in your current role. If there were circumstances beyond your control, like a restructuring which reduced the number of management positions, then you can explain those factors, but dont make excuses for your shortcomings, or blame the company. Dont Criticize the Company Regardless of which angle youre coming from, be careful not to criticize management in any way. If you have identified any issues in yourskill setor performance which led to your demotion and taken concrete, documented steps to address those issues, you might include some of that information. For example, if a previous job required you to create reports in Excel and you were demoted because you werent able to do so, but now have taken online c ourses and mastered Excel, then you might reference that development. Put Your Best Foot Forward A preemptive way to defuse any concern about a demotion is to acquire a reference from a boss or colleague at that organization which clearly affirms the value you have added as an employee. You can also abflug the spin in a positive direction by framing the issue in yourcover letterorresume, so you have a foundation which you can elaborate on during the interview. If you can find a way to frame the demotion as an opportunity to strengthen your skills, you should. For example, returning to sales after leaving a management position might have given you the needed opportunity to refresh your knowledge of your product andclient base, making you a more effective manager than you were before.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Review of Resumes Dictionary

A Review of Resumes Dictionary Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Whether youre writing a resume for the very first time or experience in regards to resume building, using templates are always able to help out when you need a fresh and professional-looking resume. Resume writing is quite important. Writing resumes can be exceedingly tedious and time-consuming. Wall Street Oasis aims to supply succinct definitions and understandable explanations of every one of these financial terms youll find repeatedly in the finance market. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Real estate is quite a lucrative industry so its obviously a competitive one. Resumes Dictionary Options Below are a few guidelines. Our resume examples can make certain youre prepared in the event you receive a referral. Resumes might be organized in various ways. In the maj ority of instances, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. The Advantages of Resumes Dictionary Generally, transitive verbs only describe something the topic of the sentence does, but not something which happens to someone or something different. As soon as you have spell checked your resume, take a close look during its general look. The propensity of going on about your abilities and qualifications can result in you being incoherent and not making any sense. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Theres a place to be filled. It can become rather hard to enter a job from the bank in case you dont have the right paperwork to assist you get in. Your cover letter shouldnt be generic. It is all about identifying the strengths that make you so right for the role. You could also see resume summary. Whether an objective summary isnt fit for you, it is possible to also use a career summary for your resume. To conclud e, your objective summary should specify your target and the value you are able to increase the organization. For entry level applicants, it should be practical and straight to the point. What Everybody Dislikes About Resumes Dictionary and Why Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. Applicants sometimes forget that as much as its for them, its also for the advantage of the business. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but fruchtwein often theyre utilised to secure new employment. Ruthless Resumes Dictionary Strategies Exploited In addition, you need plenty of creativity to address complex issues. Ask a detail-oriented friend to assist you proofread. Luckily, there are many resume writing examples available that may supply the guidance you must acquire your foot in the door. Dont fall in the pit of narcissism and talk endlessly about your requirements. As stated by The Ladders, hiring managers only devote a total of 6 seconds to examine a resume. Click our sample to learn to compose the ideal transportation resume. The resume samples featured within this article are dedicated to specific job positions such as With a wide collection of options, you are certain to find one which would fit you and the position youre applying for. Each one has a different purpose based on the job youre applying for. Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples throughout the internet. In English, there are hundreds and hundreds of verbs that convey subtle changes in meaning, therefore its important to decide on the best one. Just because it is a word doesnt indicate its the word that you wish to use. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a small zest. One other important consideration to consider is to relate the way your previous experiences would benefit the target company. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the form of work youve performed and whether you are likely to continue in the exact same field. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could assist you with your work search. Just avoid the most usual ones whenever possible. Check with the relevant abilities, experience and knowledge youve got and match what you say to the requirements set out in the work description. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a lot of the very same skills. When deciding what to include, you ought to begin by thinking about the nature of your prospective employers, your degree of experience, and the abilities and certifications desired. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Life, Death and Resumes Dictionary If you merely incorporate the statement References available upon request at the base of your resume and the individual has to track you down and receive the information from you to be able to get in touch with your references, they may not feel that doing so is well worth the excess work. Whenever poss ible, flaunt the particular numbers. Make certain to include any info you think may be relevant. Pharmacy resumes arent your voreingestellt resumes and require mentioning of a wide variety of important particulars.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kitten And Puppy Pics Boost Your Productivity, According To Science

Kitten And Puppy Pics Boost Your Productivity, According To Science Kitten And Puppy Pics Boost Your Productivity, According To SciencePosted June 1, 2016, by Zahra Campbell-AvenellI can haz mora productivity?Fellow office workers, I have good news for you. If you occasionally indulge in a bit of lolcats when you take a break, you may actually be helping your employer by being more productive when you get back to work.And yes, feel free to quote me on that. Researchers at Hiroshima University in Japan have found that viewing cute images of kittens and puppies improved concentration, speed and fine motor dexterity. In a series of experiments, participants were shown images of baby animals, adult animals, pleasant food or neutral objects to test the impact on task performance.In each experiment, there was a marked increase in performance after looking at pictures of adorable baby animals. Some experiments showed as much as a 43.9 per cent increase in speed, accuracy and dexterity for the cute animals group, compared to just 11.9 per cent for the adult animals group.Heres the graph to prove itStill not convinced? Theres more. In June 2015, nearly 7,000 netz users were surveyed to understand their motivations for watching cat videos online. The resulting study found that watching cat-related media improved viewers energy levels and positive emotions, while decreasing negative emotions. And it keeps getting better. Neuroscientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign investigated the difference in participant performance after a positive or negative distraction. They found that positive images did not hamper the brains ability to focus on the task at hand, while negative images impaired performance. And since we know that cat videos engender warm fuzzy feelings, watching one on a break is not likely to break your concentration. So go ahead, check out some of these adorable pictures below to enhance your mood and work performance and while youre at it, send them around to your colleagues and boss too. Youre welcomeLooking for other ways to boost your productivity levels? This infographic will tell you everything you need to know. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheseffective oral and written communication skillsattention to detail skillsdefine communication skills11 top tips for effective time managementhow to demonstrate high literacy and numeracy skills CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Zahra Campbell-AvenellZahra started writing at the age of 6, and hasnt stopped since. When shes not creat ing content about careers, learning and personal development, you can find her researching her next travel adventure, bingeing on Netflix or shopping online.Related ArticlesBrowse moreBusinessBusiness AdministrationShould I Get An MBA?With so many postgraduate course options out there, how do you know whether getting an MBA is the right career move? If youre considering an MBA, ask yourself the following questions.Career progressionPay/SalaryHow to ask for a pay riseAsking for a pay rise is one of the more delicate conversations youll ever have with your boss. But before you storm into the managers office waving your latest bank statement, there are a few things you should do to prepare.PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTHow to Move mora in an Office Job - 5 Easy TipsAn office job means long hours of inactivity which is known to be bad for your health. Upgrade from a sedentary lifestyle to become a bounding energy ball with these tips. Take the first steps toward a new you today.